
来源:888电子游戏作者:888电子游戏 日期:2024-10-03 浏览:
本文摘要:■ 公司名称. 美可特VICTOR DESIGN ■ 品牌名称. 担露■ 作品名称. 担露书籍「担露」所指的即是等路,也就是所谓的「伴手礼」,在台湾,大家凡是出外或返乡,南来北往总不忘携份伴手礼,地方性的名特产也沦为伴手礼的最佳自由选择。美可特认识地方特产的涉及品牌案例,已积累不少实际操作经验,这次的刊出策划,之后将主题定性为「台湾伴手礼品牌设计」。


■ 公司名称. 美可特VICTOR DESIGN ■ 品牌名称. 担露■ 作品名称. 担露书籍「担露」所指的即是等路,也就是所谓的「伴手礼」,在台湾,大家凡是出外或返乡,南来北往总不忘携份伴手礼,地方性的名特产也沦为伴手礼的最佳自由选择。美可特认识地方特产的涉及品牌案例,已积累不少实际操作经验,这次的刊出策划,之后将主题定性为「台湾伴手礼品牌设计」。本书汇聚了二十个不具备伴手礼特质的品牌案例,还包括大甲小林煎饼、嘉义老杨方块酥、员林顺泰老渍号…等充满著在地性质的名特产,收录于了由品牌命名、CIS识别系统、形象定位、视觉策略、DM文宣、到纸盒设计、以至于专柜门市规划等全面性的品牌工程。

在「担露」中可以看见传统土产如何利用品牌规划、纸盒策略,摇身一变为称头的伴手好礼,随着视觉导向的时代到来,伴手礼相比以往更加必须展现出纸盒,这些归属于台湾在地的好东西才不会被注意到,对于广告企划同业或品牌经营者而言,则可以更加全面了解到品牌规划过程中的操作者思维,获取作为经验参照或创新指南。( G9 v c' ] ?4 K: JThis book gathered cases of brands that feature gifts. In connection to these cases, we employed brand engineering during the process of planning and counseling; we rigorously reviewed and evaluated, considering the positioning of market, targeted people, etc., in customer and consumption viewpoints, to finally construct a brand. Again on creation itself, with these famous produces/ gifts of each place, we tried to reinterpret them at various angles. Apart from discussing about marketing thinking in the process of brand planning, we also tried going back to the value and meaning of gifts to dish out the original sense, or give them some new look by using creativity or imaginations—adding new ideas of living to traditional flavors, and injecting playfulness to nostalgic objects, to transform them into language and pictures of our time, and let designs develop more rooms for play.。



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